Not all artists are Chess players, but all Chess players are artists.
This is the best physical engine based chess game.
======= Features =======
- You can place pieces freely!
- You can play "Fairy Chess" (Chess Variant)!
- Real time Physics Engine!
- Advanced beautiful 3D graphics!
- Two player game!
- 3D and 2D board!
* Please select a "LOW" in Setting when running so slow.
* Internal Access Only for the sake of Screen Shot using in the Twitter and Facebook.
If you do not post it does not have access.
* This app does not dare to limit the performance.
Quality of simulation depends on the performance of your terminal.
I appreciate your understanding in this matter.
* Currently, online mode is under development.
Chess is like war on a board. The goal is to defeat opponent's mind.
Chess is beautiful enough to waste your life for.
Nicht alle Künstler sind Schachspieler, aber alle Schachspieler sind Künstler.
Dies ist der beste Physik-Engine basiert Schachspiel.
======= ======= Eigenschaften
- Sie können Stücke frei vergeben!
- Sie können "Fairy Chess" (Schach-Variante) spielen!
- Echtzeit-Physik-Engine!
- Erweiterte schöne 3D-Grafik!
- Zwei-Spieler-Spiel!
- 3D-und 2D-Brett!
========= Hinweis ==========
* Bitte wählen Sie einen "LOW" in Einstellung, wenn so langsam läuft.
* Interner Zugang nur im Interesse der Screen Shot in Twitter und Facebook mit.
Wenn Sie nicht posten hat es keinen Zugang.
* Diese App traut sich nicht, um die Leistung zu begrenzen.
Die Qualität der Simulation hängt von der Leistung Ihres Terminals.
Ich schätze Ihr Verständnis in dieser Angelegenheit.
* Derzeit Online-Modus ist in der Entwicklung.
Schach ist wie Krieg auf einem Brett. Das Ziel ist Gegners Geist zu besiegen.
Schach ist schön genug, um Ihr Leben zu verschwenden.
Not all artists are Chess players, but all Chess players are artists.
This is the best physical engine based chess game.
======= Features =======
- You can place pieces freely!
- You can play "Fairy Chess" (Chess Variant)!
- Real time Physics Engine!
- Advanced beautiful 3D graphics!
- Two player game!
- 3D and 2D board!
* Please select a "LOW" in Setting when running so slow.
* Internal Access Only for the sake of Screen Shot using in the Twitter and Facebook.
If you do not post it does not have access.
* This app does not dare to limit the performance.
Quality of simulation depends on the performance of your terminal.
I appreciate your understanding in this matter.
* Currently, online mode is under development.
Chess is like war on a board. The goal is to defeat opponent's mind.
Chess is beautiful enough to waste your life for.